+ added Widgets popup dialog in our design
- removed system Widgets popup dialog
* fixed potential memory leak when not finished Widget's configuration
* fixed slow loading Preferences icon when it is on a big button
* fixed rare ARN when updating apps database on a background thread
* Phone: fixed rare crash when updating already finished call activity
* SMS: changed save process for corrupted messages
* Phone: changed max count of chars for number field to 50 in keypad
* Phone: fixed back button in keypad goes to call
Set targetSDK=33 (Android 13) and fix what it needs:
+ added billing lib version 6
+ added new Bluetooth Switcher dialogue
* changed day of week to better representative in VI language
* changed chance to see review dialog
+ Phone: added option to hide duration button in the call screen
* Phone: fixed system edit option set in launcher
Set targetSDK=30 (Android 11) and fix what it needs:
* changed apps listing due to new permission
* changed background toast popup messages fonts to system default
* changed toast popup message position to bottom of the screen
* removed SIM information's row in active call
Set minSDK=14 (Android 4.0) for Launcher and Phone
+ added billing lib version 3
+ SMS: fixed rare crash when received corrupted SMS in Oppo A3s
* fixed: fixed missing day of week on home screen in IW language
+ added wifi signal strength indicator to home screen header (option in preferences)
+ added customizable big buttons icons (can use any image from the gallery)
+ added starred functionality to big button config
+ added contacts functionality to big button config
+ added contacts search by name/surname (option in preferences)
+ added toast message when there is low memory on app start
+ Phone: added grouping by phone number in call log (option in preferences)
+ Phone: added a preview of empty space in call screen setup
+ Phone: added a preview of photo space in call screen setup
+ SMS: added ability to hide optional buttons: Call, Reply, Resend, Forward
* speed up with more parallel threads: contacts and number functionality, signal icon, badges update
* reorganized appearance screen in the Preferences
* fixed rare ARN when starting the app and saving initial data
* fixed not changing the call log icons when changed the theme
* changed text about downloading the companion app - removed unnecessary warn text in logcat
* changed version number only
* SMS: changed SMS receiver
- SMS: removed alternative SMS receiver
* fixed crash when there is no default gallery app
Set minSDK=9 (Android 2.3) for Launcher and Phone
+ added In-App Review dialogue
* changed: contacts cache is cleared completely when changing any contact data
* fixed rare ARN when receiving MMS
* fixed rare ARN when starting app from applications list
* fixed rare ARN when updating time on home screen
* fixed rare ARN when loading call log in phone screen
* fixed rare ARN when starting call
* fixed rare ARN when clearing missed calls during phone activity start
* fixed rare ARN when starting gallery app from default gallery button
* fixed rare ARN when stopping DTMF tone in Dialer
+ added dynamic and pinned external shortcuts
+ added photo of contact to call screen (option in preferences)
+ added starred/all contacts filter to contacts (option in preferences)
+ added 3x5 big buttons screen layout
+ added option to enable/disable blinking notification on the button in the button config screen
+ added custom text size command: admin command set textSize XXX ok
+ added tap outside to close the dialog (option in preferences)
+ added privileged behavior for BIG apps (option in preferences)
+ added contact information to Buy screen
+ added "Refresh" text to Buy item in preferences
+ added clear badges action - can fix external apps blinking (option in preferences)
* fixed rare crash when updating apps database
+ Phone: added link to preferences - Ringing call system notification settings
+ Phone: added link to preferences - Missed calls system notification settings
+ Phone: added dialog before calling an emergency number (option in preferences)
+ Phone: added "Switch to" text to Audio route switcher in Call screen
+ Phone: added volume control lock during the call (option in preferences)
+ Phone: added info button to Phone screen - How to fix black screen in Incoming call
+ SMS: added info button to Messages screen - How to fix black screen when SMS come
+ SMS: added ability to hide received/delivered SMS message (option in preferences)
* SMS: fixed rare crash when more SMS received at the same moment
* SMS: fixed messages with invalid thread id was not marked read
* fixed missing overriding icons for phone/contact on big button
+ added higher quality app icons to the big buttons
+ added deep link functionality to big button URL functionality
+ added enter in dialer/keypad invoke primary action
* fixed bad description in Preferences for SOS message
* fixed rare ARN during boot because of slow storing badges from third-party apps
* fixed rare ARN when registering SOS GPS location provider
* fixed rare crash when cropping the contact photo
* fixed crash on ringtone selection if READ_STORAGE_PERMISSION is not granted
* fixed rare crash on sms intent if a draft sms exists and SMS permission is not granted
Set targetSDK=29 (Android 10) and fix what it needs:
+ added new WiFi Switcher dialogue
* increased resolution of contacts photos when reading from camera
* changed storage to FileProvider
- removed all raw files access
- removed EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions
* fixed missing decoration photo on big buttons
* fixed low quality of contact photos on big buttons
* fixed rare ARN when loading contact photos on big buttons
* SMS: reorganized Messages preferences
* SMS: fixed missing "Run MMS app" button on some Android version even it was set in Preferences
* SMS: fixed rare crash when deleting message which is deleted in the same moment by another app
+ Phone: added button with SIM position receiving an incoming call (option in Preferences)
* Phone: fixed text with the duration of the call longer than an hour
+ added big buttons label position option to Preferences
+ added more options to Safe borders dialog
+ added dialog to choose a default launcher when it's cleared as default in Preferences
* fixed missing graphics layers in big buttons with Adaptive icons
* fixed rare crash when setting a ringtone
+ SMS: added option for various positions of the send button in the message editor (top/bottom/stick to keyboard)
* SMS: fixed no messages thread in specific A10 firmware version
- SMS: removed sticky layout option from preferences
+ Phone: added phone number and type to call log detail
+ Phone: added link to call log detail also when deleting is disabled
+ Phone: added show/hide option for buttons My contacts, Starred, Dialer, Recent calls, Mute, Hold, Keypad, Audio output
* Phone: fixed rare crash when setting a ringtone
* Phone: fixed rare crash when deleting call log which is deleted in the same moment by another app
* Phone: fixed Call screen after it's displayed by Active call button
- Phone: removed No call screen fix from some devices
+ added custom text size on big buttons
+ added translated text 'automatic' by the system to language dialog
+ added three dots menu to all devices even with hardware button
* fixed no signal update for some network types
* fixed rare ARN when updating signal
* fixed rare ARN when switching wifi state on the big button
* fixed rare crash when inherited from an external shortcut
- removed Set Dialer button and Set My Contacts button from Preferences
- removed Show Add contact button from Contacts Preferences
* SMS: fixed rare crash when content provider cannot store MMS
* SMS: fixed rare ARN when starting delivery service on Android 8 and older
* SMS: fixed crash when downloading MMS with incorrect data
* SMS: fixed crash when dual SIM is enabled in preferences but the phone doesn't support dual SIM
* SMS: fixed crash when received MMS with the empty sender
* SMS: fixed rare crash in message detail with a specially broken link
+ SMS: added partial MMS support: incoming MMS notifications, ability to download and read MMS, including attachments
+ SMS: improved message notification
+ SMS: added message notification configuration (in Preferences)
+ SMS: added message delete swipe notification action (option in Preferences)
+ SMS: added grouping of messages in notification
+ SMS: added detail activity for MMS with No MMS support information
+ Phone: improved missed call notification
+ Phone: improved incoming call notification
+ Phone: improved ongoing call notification
+ Phone: added heads-up option to an incoming call notification
+ Phone: added option to reject an incoming call by swipe
+ Phone: added Mute button to call screen
+ Phone: added Active call button to Phone menu during the call (option in Preferences)
+ Phone: added option to add some space to the top of call screen (option in Preferences)
+ Phone: added DTMF sound to Dialer (option in Preferences)
+ Phone: added back button to Keypad
+ Phone: added action name to Confirm dialog in Call
+ added translations: az, bn, ha, hy_AM, jv, ku, pa_IN, pa_PK, ta, te, ur_PK
+ added round application icon
+ added black color option for the bottom navigation bar (option in Preferences)
+ added system language title to language option
* reorganized preferences
* SMS: fixed rare crash in Message Detail with specific text
* SMS: fixed no applications in list for MMS in preferences
* fixed badge button not blinking if one of many notifications removed
* fixed bad link to the full version from the nag activity
* fixed rare crash on some Motorola phones because of no black navigation bar support
* fixed rare crash when removing Widget during activity finishes
* fixed rare crash when system release Ringtone before it is selected in Preferences
* fixed rare crash when inherited from external shortcut
- removed unnecessary text in logcat
* Phone: fixed crash in Dialer/Keypad on some phones
* Phone: fixed non-working phone ringtone sound option
+ SMS: alternative SMS receiver (option in Preferences)
+ SMS: dual SIM support (option in Preferences)
+ SMS: improved multipart SMS sender for dual SIM
+ Phone: confirm all actions dialog (option in Preferences)
+ Phone: smaller font in dialer (option in Preferences)
+ Phone: long press delete whole number in dialer (option in Preferences)
* Phone: switched answer/reject button
+ Phone: added a link on how to fix the issue when the phone display isn't turned on upon an incoming call
+ show/hide alarm icon (option in Preferences)
+ show/hide duplicate contact items (option in Preferences)
+ enable buttons with no functionality (option in Preferences)
+ button blinking on 3rd party app notification (option in Preferences)
+ activate buttons on long-press (option in Preferences)
+ website shortcut button functionality
* default SOS text is SOS!
* automatic license check on first launch
* improved notifications updates
* black navigation bar on all devices
* faster loading
* fixed not working transfer of the End Call dialog option to BIG Phone
* fixed photo refresh when it's changed in contact
* fixed crash when setting the ringtone on Android 4.4 and older
* fixed crash when there is no gallery app available for photo selection
* fixed ARN when the app can't create a contact
* fixed rare black screen occurrence instead of Preferences
* fixed rare crash on blinking button
* fixed rare crash inherited from external widget
* SMS: fixed unread sms notification
* Phone: fixed missed call notification
* improved services
* fixed boot crash
+ SMS: added higher priority to Android 10 notifications
+ Phone: added own ringtone option
* Phone: fixed keypad back button
* fixed notification arn
* updated gl, it translations
+ Phone: added dual SIM support for calls
+ Phone: added missed calls notification for Android 5.1 and older
* fixed two rare crashes
* Phone: fixed memory leak in long calls
* Phone: fixed rare crash in audio route switcher
* Phone: fixed rare crash when call ended
The application has been divided into multiple parts. Phone and SMS application must be downloaded separately.
+ added default phone application
+ added default messages application
+ added call screen
+ added call/sms notifications
* few more improvements
+ added language: sr
* contact photo assign behaviour changed
* services updated for better performance
* fixed two rare bugs
* fixed SMS delivery service crash
+ Android GO compatible
+ in-app permissions wizard
+ SMS store option
+ MMS application option
* fixed few rare bugs
* remove external access to applications provider
* fixed missing apps on Android 8
* fixed translations: bg, et, pl, ru, tr, ug
* added support for following languages: українська мова
* fixed LTE signal indicator
+ sms reply from the call log
* better support for RTL text inputs
* better loudspeaker support on newer Android versions
* fixed crash when loading some icons
* fixed crash when using some widgets
* fixed hw keyboard issue
* fixed various crashes
+ set photo in contact editor
+ alternative layouts
+ third-party icon pack support
+ preferences shortcut in the apps list
+ text labels for big buttons
+ preferences background fixed for e-ink devices
+ share text to sms message
+ ability to change dpi of resources
+ added soft menu button for newer devices
* minor tweaks
+ contacts editor
+ shortcut for adding to contacts in the call log
+ quick access to buttons editor in the menu
+ option for direct dialing from dialer
+ search anywhere in the app name
+ resend message button
+ ringtone picker
+ option for changing the dpi of app icons
+ optional fix for loading less messages
+ ability to clear cache on home press
* fixed minor SMS intent bug
+ added SMS/MMS support for Android 4.4 KitKat
+ speedup: hardware acceleration turned on
* fixed missing sms on some phones: sms/mms detection changed
* memory optimization when swipe on
* fixed dialer bug
+ big dialer
+ added language: bg
+ configuration dialog for tablets without telephony
* better scaling of date and time on high resolution devices
+ system shortcuts support
+ system widgets support
+ full support for Tecla Shield wheelchair interface
+ preferences available from the app list
+ optional swipe to change screens
+ incoming MMS support (text only)
+ ability to sort contacts by surname
+ optional menu function on all big button screens
+ unread SMS available when SMS fix turned on
+ ability to hide "write message" from phone popup
+ ability to have no action on any home button
- removed copy to clipboard button in message detail
+ added timeout after pressing the SOS button to avoid multiple dialing
* fixed: wrong sound player with sms notifications turned on in some cases
* fixed: reverting back to default dialer and my contacts apps
* fixed: rare crashes
* big buttons speed optimized
* fixed occasional crashes when using external theme
+ automatic saving of SMS drafts
+ custom background on home screen
+ internal widgets: airplane mode, bluetooth, wifi, direct call/sms
+ optional automatic speakerphone on call
+ redesigned dialogs
+ ability to disable SMS delivery notifications
+ downloadable themes support
+ downloadable icon packs support
+ internal incoming SMS popup and notification with recurring option
+ speak and/or label on long press
+ added support for: فارسی, galego, lietuvių, latviešu,
* lots of minor fixes and improvements
* fixed finnish translation
* fixed rare crash when sending sms
* fixed empty call log on some devices
* fixed japanese and swedish translations
+ call button in the sms detail
* fixed: rare crash when sending a sms
* fixed: two alarm icons on homepage on some devices
* fixed: talkback reading bad title of the screen
* fixed: rare crash when setting the applications
+ reply/write new buttons reorganized in the message detail
+ sms editor
+ sms forwarding
+ unlimited screens
+ background image on screens
+ buttons can have any icon
+ buttons can link to contact detail
+ big battery and signal icons
+ search in applications list
+ new upgrade dialog with changelog
+ ability to set external dialer application
+ ability to delete call log enteries (optional)
+ batery, signal content description on home header for talkback
+ localized buttons in preferences dialogs
+ safe borders
* favorite contacts moved to second position in phone menu
* sent sos sms saved to database
* fixed: sos sms software keyboard changed to allow more characters
* fixed: use system date/time format in message detail
* fixed: can call USSD code (*100#) from contact now
* fixed greek and spanish translations
* fixed polish translations
* minor honeycomb/ics support fixes
* fixed rare problem with loading of contact pictures when missing messages fix was applied
* fixed few rare crashes
* optional fix for missing messages threads
* added support for devices without phone module (tablets)
* faster loading of messages
* redesigned preferences
* redesigned applications picker
+ sos sms can be sent to more numbers (divided by comma,)
+ second screen with applications table
+ bigger text in preferences
+ bigger text in dialog windows
+ option for showing the contacts without phone number
+ message detail screen
+ ability to delete the message (optional)
+ ability to copy the message to clipboard
+ setup wizard
+ better talkback support for image buttons
+ home screen performance optimizations
* icons resized on some devices
* close phone/message dialog after action
+ added support for română - your language bad or missing? visit
+ applications list caching and preloading
+ enabling / disabling apps in applications list
+ optional recent apps list in applications list
+ password protected settings and system preferences
+ ability to hide the title in call / sms dialogue after clicking phone number in contact details
+ haptic feedback on back button
+ optional 'delete contact' in contact detail
+ added support for slovenščina, ئۇيغۇرچه , português brasileiro
* fixed: home screen battery drain in rare cases
* fixed: random crash when unknown gallery/camera app used
+ 3 different sizes of texts
+ blue color theme
+ haptic feedback
+ add/remove star in contact detail
+ added support for eesti, bahasa indonesia, ภาษาไทย
* better TalkBack support
* fixed: can't call hidden number
* fixed: custom application icons toggle
* fixed: MMS correctly detected in messages thread
+ new contact details screen
+ added ability to set custom alarm application
+ added option for preloading the applications list in background
+ added option to set the custom number of recent applications
+ added support for
hrvatski, العربية
* redesigned preferences
* various fixes
* fixed: default gallery on HTC Desire HD
* fixed: default alarm on LG Optimus
* fixed: google maps SOS SMS URL was not working in some cases
* fixed translations of some languages
* fixed: errors when sending sms with non-standard encoding on some phones
* fixed: some translation fixes
+ added ability to manualy select screen orientation
+ added caching of the names and photos in messages
+ added more visible focus indicator on the menus when using physical buttons
+ added information (read by screen reader) about missed calls and new messages on home screen
+ added new contacts screen with search option (you can still select custom application for contacts in preferences)
* unknown phone number can now be assigned also to already existing contact
+ remember position in call, sms and apps list when returning back
+ added support for ZTE phones alarm
* fixed: offer to create contact when clicked unknown number in call log
+ added support for עברית
* performance optimization, minor bug fixed
* removed preloading of applications - caused slowdowns in critical situations. now applications are loaded on first use and then cached.
* fixed: crash when no sms app in phone (mostly in japanese phones)
* fixed: sometimes the sos sms was sent even if canceled during countdown
+ added support for slovenčina
+ revamped preferences
+ now you can customize any home screen button to run any application
+ more informations added to screen reader output
+ added preloading of applications menu
* fixed compatibility with some phones (htc, samsung)
* miscellaneous fixes
+ fixed displaying of number instead of week day on home screen in some cases
+ fixed long week day name overlaping the alarm icon (polish)
* bugfix: sms alert blinking even if already read in some cases
* bugfix: non-working home button in some cases
+ accessibility optimizations (control by hardware buttons, Talkback ready)
+ new dark color theme
+ added support for following languages: bahasa melayu, ελληνικά, magyar, tiếng việt, türkçe
+ added call log detail screen
+ enabled in market for non-touch screen phones and no-gps devices
* fixed pairing of SMS threads in some cases
* bugfix: crash when deleting application associated with any button
+ added option to choose any application for camera/gallery/sos buttons. when selected, app icon is displayed instead of default icon
+ added shortcut to system settings in menu
+ added option for resetting the default launcher in settings
+ added support for following languages: 日本語, français, suomi, हिन्दी, norsk, español, русский, deutsch, 한국어, italiano, português, polski, svenska, nederlands, 中文(繁體), dansk
+ show error dialogue when trying to run un-runnable app in applications
* fixed slowing down after while in some cases
* initial release
* supported languages: english, česky
Many thanks to people helping us with translations and testing:
Swar Communications (हिन्दी)
Josef Florian Glatz (Deutsch) -
Konstantin Velchev (Български)
Xesús M. Mosquera Carregal (Galego)
Japanese translation by Ginga Wireless -
wangchezheng (中文)
pusmucans, fzerox (Latviešu)
Ilpo Lehtola (Suomi)
Sahran (Uyghur)
dancer_69 (ελληνικά)
Víctor González (Español)
Daniel Janczak, Marcin "stony" Iwaniak (Polski)
Nicolaie Nitu (Română)
Bojan Bunić (Slovenščina)
Vincent van der Does (Dutch)
Gwenaël (Français)
Dejan Šuica (Hrvatski)
Mohammed alhussaini (العربية)
Shai Horn, Zvi Wrobel (עברית)
Lukáš Morávek (Slovenčina)
Softgear Ko (한국어)
Csaba Fehér (Magyar)
Want to help us with translation to your language? Feel free to contact us!